What to Submit to be Considered for Future Films:
All submissions should include your headshot, biography and acting resume (see example below). If you have a demo reel of your work, please send a link to YouTube or wherever your movie file is stored. A demo reel is not required. Send everything to:

Sample Headshot, Bio and Resume

Here is an example of what we are looking for in a Headshot, Bio and Resume page. It doesn't have to be just like this, though. You can use any word processor to create this, even Google Docs. Don't worry if you don't have this much experience or if the bulk of your experience was in student productions. Just BE HONEST and you'll be OK!

For those of you who have not worked in film or on the stage yet, we would still like to see a resume of your artistic experience, and because we work in the visual arts, some video (reel) of your work. Even if you use a smart phone. Make it your best work (a monologue or scene from a movie), put it up on YouTube, and send the link to the email address above. Thank you.

Please Note: Obviously we can't cast, train or place on the crew everyone who submits to us. But don't let your fears or inexperience stop you from submitting to us. How do you know that you weren't born for such a time (and project) as this?

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