When you create films of the caliber we do, one would expect them to cost a lot of money. A lot. But through technology and vision, we have found new ways to make exceptional films for less.
And we're looking for exceptional men and women who want to bring truthful, majestic films to the big screen. Quality films the whole family can enjoy together.
Be a Part of Something Big by becoming a Precious Light Pictures producer. Visit our Something Big web page to find out just how easy it is to change the world through fabulous films!
Want to get in even deeper? Shoot us an email:
Several film and series projects are in development now.
Please bookmark our CASTING page and watch for our next casting announcement.
Feel free to submit your acting experience/credentials, or headshot, bio and demo reel:
Got questions? Find out more by emailing us at:
Submit to become part of the Crew or get Crew Training by emailing your info to:
Submit to become part of the Cast by emailing your headshot, biography and acting resume to:
Yes. We do accept your info. Even if we are not crewing or casting at the moment. We will keep them on file. Send your info to the appropriate email address above.
For those of you who have not worked in film yet, we would still like to see a resume of your artistic experience, and because we work in the visual arts, some reel of your work. Even if you use a smart phone. Make it your best work and send it to the email address above. Thank you.
Please Note: Obviously we can't cast, train or place on the crew everyone who submits to us. But don't let your fears or inexperience stop you from submitting to us. How do you know that you weren't born for such a time (and project) as this?